“Nahkur is consistently amazing in his ability to blend both the technical and interpretive demands of his repertoire.”
“Nahkur plays both lucidly and passionately, with absolute brilliance. His interpretation rightfully can hold its own even against the legendary Wilhelm Kempff or Martha Argerich.”
“Nahkur’s playing was crystal clear, intricate and ornate at times, but never overly busy. Nahkur knows instinctively just where all the notes belong.”
“His fingers blurred as he flew through difficult passages full of ever developing scales, arpeggios and motivic elements.. His presentation was so natural and effortless, it was hypnotic to behold.”
“Nahkur is a musician whose performances are loved by critics.”
“Brilliant playing.. Gratifying freshness.. Nahkur plays with impressive ease, remarkable clarity and incendiary energy.”
“Haruldaselt selge faktuur, üllatuslik laulvus ja nüanssiderikas esitus. Nahkuri eriline anne näib olevat mängida faktuur selgeks – tundus, nagu esitaks erinevaid liine mitu inimest. Tehniline meisterlikkus ja sisukus on suurepärases tasakaalus.”
“Great virtuosity and interpretative maturity.. From Beethoven to Pärt, through Liszt and Balakirev.. The audience were amazed by his talent from the very first measures he played.. His forte made the piano tremble, his pianissimo came as a musical caress.”
“Deep musical thinking, mastery of the form and effective presentation of literature and folklore through music.”
“Nahkur knows how to establish a very special connection with his audience.”
“Tema mäng on veenev, meeldejääv ja orkestraalne. Soliidsus, suurejoonelisus, tehniline üleolek, omanäoline lähenemine ja enesekindlus iseloomustavad kõige paremini Nahkuri pianistinatuuri.”
“His interpretation is outstanding technically and musically. He plays with clarity, sensitivity, tenderness and beautiful phrasing.”